Beers Of The World

Hoy Hoy!! Greetings from Casa Dos Gatos!

Hope everything’s good with you. Thursday evening here. Gorgeous outside today, played hooky from work this afternoon and got some stuff done around the compound. Not many of these left between here and March, got to enjoy ‘em when they come.

A note to Steve S.; C = 1.8 * F + 32, so it is forty below.

Not much going on down here. I’ll be off next week so let me know when you’re going to be in town and we’ll do something. Also, if you need any help up there, just say when.

I watched “
Thank You For Smoking”. Very funny and very nicely done. You’ll enjoy it. I also watched “Network” again. Amazingly, all the same crap we bitch about today is the same crap they bitched about in 1976. Same as it ever was.

Exceedingly small crowd this week. Maybe ten racers. It seems to be running in two week cycles. We had a decent crowd last week, but the week before that was a wash. The Real Geek Squad didn’t even come back to defend their title this week. Although, they could have been out-of-town contractors, so they may be gone. I’m sure no disrespect was intended. Rob and Matt from Iowa were back. They had a new guy named Darren with them. Non-racer Pacer watchers in the Skyboxes. Fred and JD were sitting with Steve at the jukebox table and Brenda and Judy joined the Iowa gang on race row. Rick behind the bar. Nelia in the kitchen, Rhonda on the floor, and me? In the words of the immortal Pee Wee Herman- “I’m the luckiest boy in the world”.

Beers of the World

No Crab Racing on the 22nd.

Trivia Answers:
(The answers you submitted are in parentheses. Nice try though)
1) John Brown (Brazil)- Scraper
2) Trixie (The Nile)- Potted Meat
3) 1500 meters (Lake Titicaca)- Flyswatter
John Wayne (Brazil)- Potted Meat
5) Seve Ballesteros (two weeks)- Scraper

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flagholder- Brenda- #35 Auggie- NO! THANK YOU!!


First Half:
1) Winner- #3 Get Up And Run You Bastard- Matt- Potted Meat
2) Winner- Super Folkie- Receives No Prize!
3) Winner- #17 Yoda, Jedi Lickmaster- The American Association of Amateur Gynecologists- Foam Star
Winner- #84 You Dirty Lying etc…- JD- Koozie
Winner- #31 The Bandit- Jennifer
6) Winner- #85 She Told Me She Wasn’t Married! THAT LYIN’ B*TCH!!!- Folkies Fokkers (FF)- Love Leash
Winner- #81 Dammit Judy- Brenda- Pen
8) Winner- #35 Auggie- Brenda- Koozie (Guys win)



Second Half:
9) Winner- #0 Delano The D*ckhead- Fred- Scraper

Halftime Entries:
A Bunch

10) Winner- #2
Noodlehead Brenda- Judy- Scraper (Slight Return)
11) Winner- #25 Four Inches Of Dangling Fury- Rob- Pen
12) Winner- #49 Jan Pulls A Train- The Lost Brady Episode Racing Team- Koozie
13) Winner- #12 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- FF- Love Leash
14) Winner- #69 You Want A Bl*w Job? I’ll Bet You Do- FF- Scraper
15) Winner- #39 Folkies Favorite- Darrin- Love Leash
16) Winner- #77 F*ck A Duck- Judy- Pen

Goodbye Losers:

All Disco Semifinals:
1) Winner- #12 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- Folkies Fokkers
Winner- #69 You Want A Bl*w Job? I’ll Bet You Do- Folkies Fokkers
Winner- #25 Four Inches Of Dangling Fury- Rob
4) Winner- #84 You Dirty Lying etc…- JD


Minus eleven

Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- HW&AWD - #69 You Want A Bl*w Job? I’ll Bet You Do- Folkies Fokkers
Third Place- T-Shirt- #84 You Dirty Lying etc…- JD
Second Place- $20- #12 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- Folkies Fokkers
First Place- $30- #25 Four Inches Of Dangling Fury- Rob (The Iowa Crew won the last time we did Beers Of The World as well)

A small crowd, but they played bigger than they were. Like the announcements said, no races on the 22nd, I assume we’ll be back on the 29th, and if the crowds don’t pick up, we may go to every other Wednesday for a while. Nothing definite in that. A lot may depend on how many of you can make it on the 15th.

We’ll be up through that area Sunday. Kylie and the Rugby team are playing in Elkhart in the Midwest finals. If they win, they’ll go to the National Championships in California next Spring. If you’re around, it wouldn’t be any trouble to swing by and take you along (to Elkhart, not Cali!). Let me know.

Ciao for niao
