Beers Of The World

Hoy Hoy!
Greetings from Casa dos Gatos! Sorry for the delay on this one. I was having issues with the Writers strike and wasn’t sure if I could publish since I’m not a member. I checked with the WGA head office and they said that what I do in no way would be mistaken for writing and I could continue to do it, as long as I didn’t call it “writing”. Problem solved.

Someone once told me “Each answer is followed by the next question”. It may have been my SAT study guide. Unfortunately, that study guide said nothing about the effect time, lifestyle, and genealogy would have on making sense of a two week old page full of cryptic notes. I’m going to invoke the “Take This With A Grain Of Salt (TTWAGOS)” plea on this, as I’m not certain how much, if any, of the following is true.

Kind of a sneaky big crowd tonite. We raced twenty-five Crabs in the First Half and added several at Halftime. The good looking GSR Krewe had the whole East End, from the Corner Table across to the Jukebox Table, all the way up to the Beers Of The World Board. I counted ten (at least that’s what I think my notes say). Mike and Sheila set the buffer on Race Row with a new group, Team Three Ball, directly opposite of Sonny. The rest of the Row was occupied by the Flagholder Linda and her accomplices Pam, Deb, Sandi, and April. I think the scribble next to her name says that Linda was from Michigan and was heading back soon. Nothing here about the other four. Steve running the show. Ricky Four Inch behind the bar. Thursday Night Shane in the kitchen. And I think it was Nelia, on the floor (SERVING US ALL!!). I can tell by the labels, we’re in for a night of-

Beers Of The World Crab Racing-

Some of
this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And there’s always this.

Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:
1) Topaz- Pink Pad (PP)
2) Walt Disney- Love Leash (LL)
3) New Guinea- PP
4) James Caan- Ice Scraper
5) Hogan- PP

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flag Holder- Linda- #83 Crabby Crandall

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell

First Half:
1) Winner- #37 Caligula- Goondock Saints Racing (GSR)- LL

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #60 I’m Going To Have To Numb That. Num Num Num Num- American Association Of Amateur Gynecologists (AAAG)- Keychain (KC)
3) Winner- #84 Be The Ball- Rob- Pen
4) Winner- #22 Two In The…- GSR- KC
5) Winner- #28 Muff Diver- GSR- LL
6) Winner- #34 Dirty Harry- GSR- Flashing Jagermeister Button (FJB)
7) Winner- #76 I’m Only Four Inches, But Some Girls Like It That Thick- Folkie’s Fokkers- Pen
8) Winner- #41 Lychalotapus- Team Three Ball Racing- (T3B)- Lighter

Some of
this. Some of this.

Second Half (Right back at ya):
9) Winner- #83 Crabby Crandall- Linda- KC

Halftime Entries:

10) Winner- #31 Crandall’s Crusty Pube- Pam- T Shirt
11) Winner- #74 Oliver Twist, I Love Good Dickens- Sheila- Pen

The Wave

12) Winner- #9 Shithole- GSR- Pen
13) Winner- #92 Judge Smails- KC
14) Winner- #69 Tastes Like Chicken- T3B- FJB
15) Winner- #71 Red Rocker- Gina- KC
16) Winner- #85 Facker. No You Facker, You Brought Her- GSR- KC

Goodbye Losers:

1) Winner- #83 Crabby Crandall- Linda
2) Winner- #31 Crandall’s Crusty Pube- Pam
3) Winner- #74 Oliver Twist, I Love Good Dickens- Sheila
4) Winner- #22 Two In The…- GSR


Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done (as well as a copy of the feature length motion picture, “The Night The Lights Went Out At Folkie’s”)- #31 Crandall’s Crusty Pube- Pam
Third Place- T-Shirt- #83 Crabby Crandall- Linda
Second Place- $20- #22 Two In The…- GSR
First Place- $30- #74 Oliver Twist, I Love Good Dickens- Sheila

Minus Two

Very wonderful evening. Two friends of mine from Warren, the lovely Gina and her equally lovely husband Scott were able to join us for the evening. Gina snuck a win in Race #15. Well played. Linda’s gang puts two in the finals, finishing third and fourth behind GSR and the night’s winner, Sheila.

Football Crab Racing on the 28th and I’m thinking the 12th looks like a perfect night for the return of Chainsaw Sisters Racing. I’ll will catch you on the 7th, for a road trrip back to The Three Kings in Hoagland. I’ll put the word out that we have a couple of open seats, if anyone wants to join us. See you soon.

Ciao for nao
