Superhero Crab Racing- Folkie's 2/20

Chimichanga Cheesy Burrito
Greetings from Casa dos Gatos! I’m not going to lie to you. It’s four weeks gone and I'm not getting a lot out of my notes, so consider yourself warned.

A nice crowd on hand this evening, but then the Superhero Board always brings out the beautiful people. Mike and Sheila are on the Row, racing as the Crabby Old Farts. Ashley and a Goondocks Mini-Mob are in their usual spots. Our old friend Paul is back for the second Race in a row. Bacon and Robots are in place, with a Defector jumping to the Chainsaw Sisters. One of the finest musical minds this side of 688, The Original Sarah, joins us in the Skyboxes. Our lovely hosts, Steve and Darnell are here. Ricky Four Inch is behind the Bar, Thursday Night Shane is in the Kitchen, and Rhonda is on the floor SERVING US ALL! Dudley said it, I believe it- “Don’t worry Nell, it’s-

Superhero Crab Racing-


Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:
1) Johnny Appleseed- Tee Shirt (TS)
2) Geoffrey Chaucer- Love Leash (LL)
3) Michael Landon- Power Pal Magic Jar Opener (MG)
4) Hubert Humphrey- Famous Amos Chocolate Chip Cookies (MMM)
5) Spanish American War- Peeps

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flag Holder- Tiffani

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell

First Half:

1) Winner- #75 Roxy- Sheena- LL

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #47 Lightning Loser- Tony- Mouse Pad (MP)
3) Winner- #4 Crabtron 9000- Bacon & Robots Racing (BNR)- Keychain (KC)
4) Winner- #0 Tell Me Now Before I Spend Twenty Dollars- Reesey- Flashing Jagermeister Button (FJB)
5) Winner- #85 What Happens In The Aquarium Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing (CSR)
6) Winner- #55 Facker? No. You Fack Her. You Brought Her- Goondock Saints Racing GSR)- Pen (PEN)
7) Winner- #71 Nice Story. Now Drop Your Pants- Folkie’s Fockers (FF)- MG
8) Winner- #36 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- FF- KC

Some of this.

Second Half (Right back at ya):
9) Winner- #22 The Shocker- GSR- LL

Halftime Entries:
Can’t Recall

10) Winner- #29 Gup’s Pecker- Amy- PEN
11) Winner- #17 Slow Ass- Steven- MG

The Wave

12) Winner- #3 Yer My Boy Blue- GSR- MG
13) Winner- #80 Miguel- Mike- FJB
14) Winner- #70 Eat Lightning. Crap Thunder- John- MP
15) Winner- #34 Green Horny (Bonus Points for use of Theme)- Crabby Old Farts (COF)- PEN
16) Winner- #93 Roxville- JD (jd)- KC

Goodbye Losers:

1) Winner- #85 What Happens In The Aquarium Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing
2) Winner- #47 Lightning Loser- Tony
3) Winner- #4 Crabtron 9000- Bacon & Robots Racing
4) Winner- #0 Tell Me Now Before I Spend Twenty Dollars- Reesey


Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done- #47 Lightning Loser- Tony
Third Place- T-Shirt- #0 Tell Me Now Before I Spend Twenty Dollars- Reesey
Second Place- $20- #4 Crabtron 9000- Bacon & Robots Racing
First Place- $30- #85 What Happens In The Aquarium Stays In The Aquarium- Chainsaw Sisters Racing

Plus One

Chainsaw Sisters back atop the Podium. I smell lasagna. Three of the first four Crabs make the Finals and the World Rankings are pretty much in line with tonite’s results.

I’ll be away when the Beers Of The World Board comes rollin’ in on March 5th. But I’ll leave the music in the very capable hands of my teammate, WHITASITA. I will join you again on the 19th for Crab Racing USA. Pick ‘em at Seven Thirty, Race ‘em at Eight.

Ciao for nao
