Beers Of The World- Folkie's 10/1 Oktoberfest

Beers Of The World Crab Racing


Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:
1) Charles Bronson- Playing Cards (PC)
2) Bombay- Koozie With Handle (KWH)
3) Weeb Eubank- Jagermeister Lanyard (LL)
4) Foot- Potted Meat (PM)
5) Sun- PC

National Anthem (fourth verse)

Flag Holder-
I Missed It

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell


First Half:

1) Winner- #16 The Real Bartender- Kevin- Mentos

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #85 I’m Going To Have To Num That. Num Num Num Num- American Association Of Amateur Gynecologists (AAAG)- Hot Tamales (HT)
3) Winner- #50 She’s A Keeper. Keeper The Faq Away From Me- Greg- Fizz Bombs (FB)
4) Winner- #73 Faqs Like A Champ- Facial Shot Racing (FSR)- Cookies
5) Winner- #2 Lick My Nuts- FSR- Jagermeister Hat
6) Winner- #71 Sarah Palin- She Might Be A Woman But She Still Sucks- Folkie’s Fockers (FF)- LL (Lotteried out for #22 We Both Started At The Same Time And She’s Pissed Because I Finished First)
7) Winner- #75 You Want A Blowjob? I’ll Bet You Do- FF- FB
8) Winner- #46 Crabby- Steven- LL

Some of this.

Second Half (Right back at ya):

9) Winner- #01 Crabby Patty- Kelly- Jagermeister Tee Shirt

Halftime Entries:
A few

10) Winner- #35 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- FF- PC
11) Winner- #??- The Shocker- GSR- Mentos

The Wave

12) Winner- #59 Funky Spunk- ??- FB
13) Winner- #94 I’m Throwing A Party Between My Legs. Wanna Come?- FSR- LL
14) Winner- Super Folkie
15) Winner- #60 The Professor Lets Gilligan Hold His Test Tube- Lost Gilligan Episode Racing (LGR)- Cookies
16) Winner- #44 I’m Only Four Inches But Some Girls Like It That Thick- FF- PC

Goodbye Losers:


1) Winner- #01 Crabby Patty- Kelly
2) Winner- #35 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- Folkie’s Fockers
3) Winner- #50 She’s A Keeper. Keeper The Faq Away From Me- Greg
4) Winner- #46 Crabby- Steven

Outstanding Individuals:

Your Host- Steve Schrader
Behind The Bar- Rick
In The Kitchen- Shane
On the Floor, SERVING US ALL!!!- Rhonda


Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done- #35 I’m A Hard Habit To Break- Folkie’s Fockers
Third Place- A High Quality Tee Shirt- #50 She’s A Keeper. Keeper The Faq Away From Me- Greg
Second Place- $20 in Folkie’s Bucks (The next best thing to free)- #01 Crabby Patty- Kelly
First Place- $30 in Folkie’s Bucks (Ditto)- #46 Crabby- Steven

Minus One
