Crab Racing USA- Folkie's 10/15

Crab Racing USA-


Rules To Live With And Abide By

Trivia Answers:
1) Turkey- Hot Tamales (HT)
2) Vermont- Potted Meat (PM)
3) Speedy Gonzales- Playing Cards (PC)
4) Carbon- Corona Lite Lei (CLL)
5) San Francisco- Magic Jar Opener (MG)

National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flag Holder- Tiffani

They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell

First Half:
1) Winner- #10 Swussy- Goondock Saints Racing (GSR)- Koozie (KZ)

Starting Lineup

2) Winner- #50 Buttwiper- Tighter Than A Banjo String Racing (TBS)- Keychain (KC)
3) Winner- #95 Speed Racer- Sleazy Sisters (They’re not sluts) (SSS)- KC
4) Winner- #68 Ahhhhh. It’s Miller Time- TBS
5) Winner- #22 Wait Until Next Year- Folkie’s Fockers (FF)- Tee Shirt (TS)
6) Winner- #15 Sman- GSR- TS
7) Winner- #40 Firemen Have Big Hoses- GSR- TS
8) Winner- #80 The Skipper Shows Mary Ann His Little Buddy- Lost Gilligan Episode Racing (LGR)- PM

Some of
this. As well as this

Second Half (Right back at ya):
9) Winner- #52 They Don’t Turn Blue When They Get Cold (My Feet)- TBS- The Night The Lights Went Out At Folkie’s DVD

Halftime Entries:
A few

10) Winner- #75 Tittani- Tiffany- PC
11) Winner- #3 Chase- Eric- Oktoberfest Beads (OB)

The Wave

12) Winner- #69 Harold- SSS- Tank Top (WB)
13) Winner- #59 One-Eyed Monster- Josh- OB
14) Winner- #39 Ernie- Maria- Pen (PEN)
15) Winner- #01- Stumpy- GSR- KC
16) Winner- #52 Johnny Bag O Donuts- Johnny- OB

Goodbye Losers:

1) Winner- #10 Swussy- Goondock Saints Racing
2) Winner- #75 Tittani- Tiffany
3) Winner- #01- Stumpy- Goondock Saints Racing
4) Winner- #68 Ahhhhh. It’s Miller Time- Tighter Than A Banjo String Racing


Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- 68 Ahhhhh. It’s Miller Time- Tighter Than A Banjo String Racing
Third Place- T-Shirt- #10 Swussy- Goondock Saints Racing
Second Place- $20- #01- Stumpy- Goondock Saints Racing
First Place- $30- #75 Tittani- Tiffany

Plus Three
