Chimichanga Cheesy Burrito-
Here's a quick wrap up. I'll Try to fill it in later.
Beers of the World Crab Racing
Some of this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And this. And there’s always this.
Rules To Live With And Abide By
Trivia Answers:
1) Return To Peyton Place
2) James Bond
3) Kennesaw Mountain Landis
4) Ronald Reagan
5) Ten Dollars
National Anthem (fourth verse)
Flag Holder- Lisa
They’re Off and They’re Haulin’ Shell
First Half:
1) Winner- #17 Crab With No Name- Crabby Old Pharts (COF)
Starting Lineup
2) Winner- #87 Tallywhacker Toucher- Team Hinkey (TH)
3) Winner- SC Super Crab (Raffled to the Crabby Old Pharts for United Way)
4) Winner- #01 Easy Goer- TH
5) Winner- #55 Hot Carl- Crustacean Sensations (CS)
6) Winner- #68 Panty Hoppin' Princess- TH
7) Winner- #69 Thanx. Now Wipe That Shit Off Your Face And Get Me A Beer- Screamin' Seamen (SS)
8) Winner- #77 Red-Headed Slut- Deloused Racing Team (DRT)
Some of this.
Second Half (Right back at ya):
9) Winner- #31 Sparta- TH
Halftime Entries:
Nope. Natural Sellout
10) Winner- #96 Licking Larry- TH
11) Winner- #9 My Underwear Has Convenience Openings- SS
The Wave
12) Winner- #26 Prison Bitch- CS
13) Winner- #41 Bone Saw- CS
14) Winner- #64 John Doe- COF
15) Winner- #80 Red Snapper- DRT
16) Winner- #71 Old Strippers Don't Retire. They Just Get The Crabs- SS
Goodbye Losers:
1) Winner- #17 Crab With No Name- Crabby Old Pharts
2) Winner- #87 Tallywhacker Toucher- Team Hinkey
3) Winner- #80 Red Snapper- Deloused Racing Team
4) Winner- #26 Prison Bitch- Crustacean Sensations
Outstanding Individuals:
Your Lovely Host- Steve Schrader
Behind The Bar- Ricky Four Inch
In The Kitchen- Thursday Night Shane
On The Floor, SERVING US ALL!!!- Rhonda
Order of Merit:
Fourth Place- Hearty Wave and A Well Done- #17 Crab With No Name- Crabby Old Pharts
Third Place- A High Quality Tee Shirt- #26 Prison Bitch- Crustacean Sensations
Second Place- $20 in Folkie’s Krab Kash (the next best thing to free)- #80 Red Snapper- Deloused Racing Team
First Place- $30 in Folkie’s Krab Kash (ditto)- #87 Tallywhacker Toucher- Team Hinkey
Minus Three
Ciao for nao