Race Week!!

Hoy hoy CrabHeads!
Well it's race week in Indy this week, every night there seems to be a racing event somewhere. Not to be outdone, Sonny's Crab Racing is putting it out twice this week. First we'll be in Marion at the FolkieDome for another round of Folkie's Crab Racing League. It's early in the season, but there's already some serious competition among the elite Crab Racing Teams.  Then on Friday we'll be at the Hi Ho Again for our monthly rendevouz with all the craziness that is Poe. Hope to see you at both events.

On a blog related note- you may have noticed the new Hall Of Fame section at the top of the right hand column. (you'll have to view the web version on your phone). Take a few minutes to learn the stories behind the Greatest Crabs In Crab Racing History. And while your at it, stop by the actual Crab Racing Hall of Fame in Marion at Folkie's. A great family destination, you can drop the minors at the convenience store across the street while you gaze upon the Fastest Crabs in the World. (Actually not the Crabs, but their shells. Well played Health Department). Open 24/7/365 (as far as you know).

Pick 'em at 7:30, race 'em at 8:00. See you there!!
